fre 01 mars
|Globala Punkten
INVIGNING Globala Punkten
Vi inviger GS nya sektionslokal Globala Punkten, från mitt på dagen till sent på natten ;) Kommer finnas aktiviteter för de allra flesta, fira denna stora dag med oss!
Tid och plats
01 mars 2024 12:00 – 23:50
Globala Punkten, 412 58 Göteborg, Sverige
Om evenemanget
--------English below-------------
Globala punkten är snart redo för invigning! Dagen börjar med högtidligt tal och öppning kl 12, sektionsfoto tas och hamburgare säljs under lunchen. Sedan fortsätter eftermiddagen med olika aktiviteter såsom tipspromenad , canvasmålning (som hängs upp i lokalen) och mini-pluggfika. På kvällen hålls en pub med ännu fler aktiviteter under tiden, vad sägs om pong? En fotovägg? Valsträning? En dag då hela sektionen firar tillsammans helt enkelt!
The new student division premises for Global systems and Industrial Ecology have been renovated and decorated for a month. They are called Globala Punkten (The Global Spot in Swedish). Now we are ready to celebrate the opening of the premises! :D The date and time for the event is 1st of march from 12am to the middle of the night. During the opening party there will be several activities, ranging from festival activities during the day to a pub and dancefloor in the evening. The opening ceremony is at 12.00, where we will also sell grilled veggieburgers and take a photo of the student division (so dress for a photo!). In the afternoon fun activities will occur, such as canvas-painting with IE Transform and fika with GSN. At 17.30 a pub will open where food will be sold and more activities offered throughout the evening and night. Come take a photo in our photobooth with BliGSt or join the waltz training with GloBal ;)
Your student premises is your home during your studies at Chalmers, where you can eat lunch, study and hang out with fellow GS and IE students. The premises can be booked through the website globalasystem.se to host events for the division (ask IE Transform if you want help booking them!).